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Week 73

Wow this was a fast week... It's getting real yall. It was a really good week tho!
Zone Conference! My very last zone conferencešŸ˜¢ I gave my departing testimony and it was weird to be on that side of it because my whole mission I've been watching other missionaries give their departing testimonies and now all of a sudden it was me! But it was a really spiritual experience and I loved it.
The rest of this week was super duper good! Lots of small miracles that lifted my spirits. We are finding quite a few new people to teach and I'm actually really excited about them! There was this one guy we talked to on his porch in passing, and we invited him to church, but then the phone number he gave us didn't work. BUT he showed up to church 6 days later!! I gave a talk in sacrament and after the meeting he asked if he could have a book of mormon šŸ˜± his name is James and he is so cool!!
We also prayed really hard on Friday that we could plant a lot of seeds, and that day we were able to give out 6 book of Mormons!! We taught a mini restoration lesson with each one and every person that we gave it to said we could come back to teach more. Crazy!!!! And it was all because we prayed specifically to plant a lot of seeds that day. God definitely provided! 
Another miracle from this week: the TIWI in our car broke, so we got to drive all the way to north Carolina with no tiwi hehehehehhehehe it was oh so very nice:) The drive was BEAUTIFUL! I took some pictures and the mountains/hills looked fake.
We also had another lesson with our friend HB and he gave me one of his original CD's!!! It was so cool!! He is a good musician and he always shows us a new song when we go over.
I just love being a missionary! This was a really good week and it made me look back at all my experiences with much more of a thankful heart. I feel like everything has been put into perspective with where my priorities should be for the rest of my life. Everything points to God, and it we don't call upon him I'm everything we do, we lose a ton of power and blessings that he was eagerly waiting to give us. I just love learning more about God's character, because he really is a loving father. 
I'm grateful for so many things, especially my family, and the family of people I've met in Tennessee. I'm gonna live up this week, cuz it'll probably go faster than the last one!!


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