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Showing posts from September, 2022

Week 38

Alright, another week down, and only one left of this transfer!  Here are some things that happened this week: Fall cleaning! We spent basically all of Wednesday deep cleaning the apartment. We spent 4 hours on just the kitchen! I forgot how much I actually like cleaning haha we never really have time for it, so it felt good to not worry about anything else except cleaning. Since Wednesday, we have seen less roaches too!🥳  This week we have focused a lot on part member families and less active members. They are some of my favorite people to work with because they know of the goodness of the gospel cuz at one time in their life they had it's power, and we are the ones that get to help them taste it again after it has been some time. Lives always change for the better when sacrifices or changes are made for the gospel. Living the gospel is not a "convenient" way of living, but it is the most rewarding way to live and it will make the second coming of Christ a l...

Week 37

Week 37 This week FLEW! I can't believe it's already Monday!! Here are some highlights from this week: Zone conference! Fun as always, and good to see everyone! Being around other missionaries always hypes me up. I also got to see Elder and Sister Williams again😁❤️  We have a mission wide devotional on Sunday!!! This is the first time ever that the ENTIRE mission has all gathered at one place and at same time!!! And this will probably be the last time it happens too! So I got to go back to Farragut/Pellissippi!! Aaaaaaand I got to see Elder Williams AGAIN!! Ah it makes me so happy!! It was way cool to be in a room with the entire mission. The spirit was so strong, I LOVE THE TKM 💪🔥 There was about 170 missionaries there and at the end of the meeting we all sang the mission song (it's also the efy medley, it's As Sister's In Zion and We'll Bring The World His Truth) and WOW it was booming and at the end of the song everyone was in tears including p...

Week 36

There was a lot that happened this week!  We had a big zone devotional that was kind of like zone confernece, but it was just our zone (ZC usually has 2 or 3 zones). And while we were there, I GOT TO SEE ELDER WILLIAMS!!!!! I cannot tell you how happy this made me, I miss him so much.  I miss the SMS team:( So sister garbett and I got to take a picture with him and he said that he wants us both back on the SMS team so bad. It was sad, but it was SO good to see him again!! We also had interviews with president and for some reason I was really nervous for that. But my interview went very well and president was able to talk me through a lot of my concerns because I have been having a lot of doubt floating through my mind recently. But he said all the things I needed to hear and it helped SO much! President Graham is such an amazing person and I feel lucky to have him as my mission president.  Oh another little thing I was proud of, I made my companion and I fish...

Week 35

Wow what a week! It went by sooo fast which I guess is a good thing! The days were long but the week flew by.  So this week has been a week of people dropping us. Most of our progressing people we had to stop teaching because they basically told us they aren't interested or they aren't willing to change. It's really hard because now we are in a teaching drought and each day is a completely empty day that we try to fill meaningfully. So prayers to help us find new people to teach would be greatly appreciated!  The elders had a baptism and I got to go to to that which was really refreshing and re-motivated me. Not teaching any lessons in a day can get really discouraging and it's hard not to compare yourself to other missionaries or other areas. But for now I pray, work hard, and expect miracles!  On Tuesday I had dinner with Katherine Hunter!! (Hobbes now haha). She lived in Caldwell with us in the same ward and close to our house! She said she remembers babysitting me t...

Week 34

Transfers!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 My new companion is Sister Kirkman and SHE. IS. AWESOME.🔥 This is her 2nd transfer, so I am 2nd half training her, but shes literally got everything down💪 I am in Hixson Tennessee near Chattanooga which is fun. We've have a random heat wave blow through and that has not been fun. I'm so ready to break out the sweaters! Also, our apartment has a roach problem... I opened up a drawer to get a spoon and a roach scurried into the depths of the drawer... I didn't try and find it. But besides that, this apartment is pretty nice!  Our district is pretty big too which will make Pdays really fun. There are 5 companionships in our district.  There are some amazing people here too. I really want to see a baptism while I'm here and I think there are lots of prepared people, we just need to be guides to them. So prayers for that would be very helpful! Here was a cool thought from this week: We were talking to the wife of a Baptist preacher and we were talking...