Alright folks, it's here. My last email as a missionary🫢🫣 Last pday we biked the Creeper Trail with president Graham and 14 other missionaries. It was beautiful!!!! It was 17 miles of green lush and there was a cute little food place off the trail that we got food at and I had my final interview with president Graham at a picnic table. It was really fun and he gave my 5 pieces of life advice. I'll share them with yall:) 1) keep actively studying the gospel and scriptures 2) make the temple feel like home 3) serve! you don't have to have a calling to serve 4) be a lifelong learner. seek education and find someone equally values learning and education. 5) always do "better" things instead of "good" things. always prioritize God, let him prevail, and think about him all the time. I CANNOT but these last 18 months into words, it's impossible. I'm going to miss so many things, and it has been worth it! I now deeply understand the saying "mi...
Alrighty, here I am again. This was MIRACLE filled week. It had its ups and downs, but I'm going to focus on the ups! So first of all, the big miracle is James!!! This has got to be the most prepared person I have ever met on my entire mission! Not an exaggeration! I can't remember exactly what I've said about him in the past, so here's a little summary. We were walking around a neighborhood last Sunday after church and we decided to knock his door. He was really nice, so we came back on Tuesday to do a Bible study. Then we lost contact with him for the rest of the week. BUT he showed up to church on Sunday!!! We were so shocked!! Then he came to church AGAIN and he had read all the way up to Jacob, and he knew everything about the saints leaving to Utah, their history, everything about Joseph Smith and Emma Smith, and a bunch of other random facts! He said he knew Joseph Smith was called of God and he never wanted to stop coming to our church because he said it feels ...