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Week 75

Alright folks, it's here. My last email as a missionary🫢🫣 Last pday we biked the Creeper Trail with president Graham and 14 other missionaries. It was beautiful!!!! It was 17 miles of green lush and there was a cute little food place off the trail that we got food at and I had my final interview with president Graham at a picnic table. It was really fun and he gave my 5 pieces of life advice. I'll share them with yall:)  1) keep actively studying the gospel and scriptures  2) make the temple feel like home 3) serve! you don't have to have a calling to serve 4) be a lifelong learner. seek education and find someone equally values learning and education.  5) always do "better" things instead of "good" things. always prioritize God, let him prevail, and think about him all the time.  I CANNOT but these last 18 months into words, it's impossible. I'm going to miss so many things, and it has been worth it! I now deeply understand the saying "mi...
Recent posts

Week 74

Alrighty, here I am again. This was MIRACLE filled week. It had its ups and downs, but I'm going to focus on the ups! So first of all, the big miracle is James!!! This has got to be the most prepared person I have ever met on my entire mission! Not an exaggeration! I can't remember exactly what I've said about him in the past, so here's a little summary. We were walking around a neighborhood last Sunday after church and we decided to knock his door. He was really nice, so we came back on Tuesday to do a Bible study. Then we lost contact with him for the rest of the week. BUT he showed up to church on Sunday!!! We were so shocked!! Then he came to church AGAIN and he had read all the way up to Jacob, and he knew everything about the saints leaving to Utah, their history, everything about Joseph Smith and Emma Smith, and a bunch of other random facts! He said he knew Joseph Smith was called of God and he never wanted to stop coming to our church because he said it feels ...

Week 73

Wow this was a fast week... It's getting real yall. It was a really good week tho! Zone Conference! My very last zone conference😢 I gave my departing testimony and it was weird to be on that side of it because my whole mission I've been watching other missionaries give their departing testimonies and now all of a sudden it was me! But it was a really spiritual experience and I loved it. The rest of this week was super duper good! Lots of small miracles that lifted my spirits. We are finding quite a few new people to teach and I'm actually really excited about them! There was this one guy we talked to on his porch in passing, and we invited him to church, but then the phone number he gave us didn't work. BUT he showed up to church 6 days later!! I gave a talk in sacrament and after the meeting he asked if he could have a book of mormon 😱 his name is James and he is so cool!! We also prayed really hard on Friday that we could plant a lot of seeds...

Week 72

I got to go to the temple!!!!!!!!! We went with the entire Kingsport zone and Asheville zone, so there was a little over 50 missionaries there! We took a 2 hour road trip and 6 of us sisters met up in Ashville the night before and walked around downtown Ashville (which was SO FUN) and then we went to a taco shop for dinner. Then we went to our hotel, checked in, then played card games in the lobby until we had to go to bed. It was literally SO much fun, I felt like I was on a little mini vacation! The next morning we woke up at 4:45 and got on a big bus with 50 other missionaries and drove 3 more hours to South Carolina! I sat right behind president Graham so we got to talkin and that was really fun. During the whole trip we passed through Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina. When we got to the temple we split into 4 groups and then got to do an endowment, initiatories, and sealings! It was such a good refresher because I haven't gone in so so so long. Well over...

Week 71

It's been 7 days folks. 7 long days. I think this week was long because I'm still not adjusted to the area and I don't know the ward too well. But that will change!! (hopefully soon). We had some good lessons with the people we are teaching which is always refreshing! We taught an entire Plan of Salvation lesson to our friend Ann and WOW she just soaked in the whole thing. She said that she has had some thoughts throughout her life that line up perfectly with what the plan of salvation teaches, she just didn't know that there was actually doctrine about it! She was beaming and smiling as we taught it and she said she wished she has known this her whole life because she feels so much more hope and motivation with this knew knowledge. It was so cool!! So moral of the story, never take for granted your knowledge of the plan of salvation. If you currently don't find added hope and motivation through the plan, go and study it more until you do. It's amazing, and I am...

Week 70

What. A. Week. Saying goodbye to everyone in Cookeville was brutal. Especially isabel😭 On Monday Isabel went on a hike with us and it was so fun!! And beautiful. Tuesday I said good bye to Sam Hancock who I have grown to love so much, and bishop who I will miss a TON. On Wednesday at transfers I felt like I was missing something big the whole time and I had a constant pit in my stomach that took 2 days to go away. I think it was just from stress and extreme fomo. This has probably been the worst I have dealt with change my entire mission. When I got to my new apartment (which is old and tiny and there are 4 sisters living there) I started unpacking and got SO overwhelmed. It was a weird wave of anxiety that I have never felt before. It kinda just took over all my senses to the point where I just stood there for like 5 minutes with my hands on my head staring at opened stuffed suitcases with negative thoughts swarming my head. In that moment I felt so far away from God and it was scary...

Week 69

This week had a lot of highs, and the lowest of lows. So we will start with the highs! We had a mission wide devotional with Neil L Anderson in Knoxville! This is the 3rd and final time on my mission that we have gathered as an entire mission in one Chapel!! There is something really special about being the all the missionaries in the whole mission. But obviously the best part was meeting one of the 12 apostles, getting to shake his hand, and then getting spiritually fed by him for a few hours. I recivied so much revelation (almost to the point where it is overwhelming), so I'm just looking back at little segments of my notes at a time, or else I will not know where to start, so I won't start 😂 so I'm doing one thing at a time. I wish I could summarize all the thought I had into one paragraph, but that would be impossible. But boy was it cool! Before the devotional while we were in Knoxville we went and visited claire!!! She is that cute little Filipino that I taught and b...