Week 56 I had a good week this week! We saw so many miracles happen and God was so good to us! We are continuing to find more prepared people! We met Stephen and Tihisha who are so amazing! They are both wanting to turn their lives over to Jesus and find a church that suits them and their family. We are having our first lesson with them on Saturday, so please pray that that will go well and they can feel of the truthfulness. I'm excited for them! We were also walked in a grocery store and this kid stopped us and asked if we were from Utah haha! He said he just moved here from Idaho and all his friends are members! We gave him our info and hopefully he will reach out! We had a lesson with some friends and it was interesting. So we walked in and Terry had set up a table with 4 chairs, a notebook, pen, and huge Bible on the table lol. It was an interesting (and long) visit... they asked us how our church is set up, and Pat asked us what we usually teach people when we're trying...
Knoxville Tennessee Mission Jan 2022-June 2022