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Showing posts from January, 2023

Week 56

Week 56 I had a good week this week! We saw so many miracles happen and God was so good to us! We are continuing to find more prepared people! We met Stephen and Tihisha who are so amazing! They are both wanting to turn their lives over to Jesus and find a church that suits them and their family. We are having our first lesson with them on Saturday, so please pray that that will go well and they can feel of the truthfulness. I'm excited for them! We were also walked in a grocery store and this kid stopped us and asked if we were from Utah haha! He said he just moved here from Idaho and all his friends are members! We gave him our info and hopefully he will reach out! We had a lesson with some friends and it was interesting. So we walked in and Terry had set up a table with 4 chairs, a notebook, pen, and huge Bible on the table lol. It was an interesting (and long) visit... they asked us how our church is set up, and Pat asked us what we usually teach people when we're trying...

Week 55

This was a stressful week. Tons of meeting and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I spent about 11 hours in training meetings this week and my brain is gonna explode cuz there is a lot of stress and pressures😵 I'm still enjoying the work and I'm happy, I just have super high expectations, almost to the point where they just seem like a dream rather than a goal. But I'm counting on God to provide a ladder cuz I can't jump that high!! This week we had zone conference and stake coordination which usually don't happen in the same week. Zone conference was good, but I didn't feel super hyped afterwards like I normally do. Stake coordination was a lot less stressful than it was last time. It's crazy to see the being the scenes of how much the stake does for each ward on an individual level. The stake loves, cares, and it aware of every individual with a calling and we go in depth to help any struggling unit. The more behind the scenes I see, the more grateful and...

week 54

Fred got baptized!! The elders have been teaching him and he is the most amazing person ever. He is so sweet and so friendly to everyone. This week we spent a lot of time trying to find new people to teach. We've found quite a few not so nice people 😅 lots of people were pretty hostile, lots of closed doors this week, But my spirits are still high! Sister stevens and I are learning to ebjoy all the other small good things in life since things aren't really going the way we want them to teaching-wise. I'm still having fun tho!  We had Interviews with President this week and I told him that I don't want to leave Hixson and he chuckled (so basically I'm leaving next transfer)... I love this ward SO MUCH. Speaking of the ward, I went to Katherine Hobbs Baby shower and that was super fun! I felt like I was at a family gathering cuz I knew all of the people that were there. I've also gotten to the point where I can tell who is visiting on sundays because I know the w...

Week 53

It was a busy busy week, but it made the time fly! Last Tuesday I hit my 1 year!!! 🥳 It was such a good day and we went out to eat, and God was good to me... the restaurant TV  was playing tennis, and I got to see Nadal's beautiful face🫠 and then one of my favorite songs came on in the restaurant too!! It was too good to be true lolll. As a missionary you come to appreciate the little things so much more. We also had an amazing lesson with our friends Jenny and Roel. Jenny wants to be baptized, but she is praying about a date. So please pray for her that she can hold on to that desire!  Also, side note, our apartment has an unreal roach infestation. Like bad. We kill about 15 baby roaches with our fingers a day. Big roaches are always all over our counters, in our bathrooms, everywhere in the pantry and drawers. Even in the microwave. The only place I haven't seen them is in the fridge, so that's good! I'm so used to them that I kill them with my fingers now. But it...

Week 52

Transfers😔 rip to the legend sister booth🙏⚰️💀💐 that was hands down the saddest transfer day of my entire mission. I did NOT want to leave her🥺 this past transfer had been so much fun, I've never had a transfer where I looked forward to every. single. day. Sister Booth is the type of missionary that I aspire to be!! I miss her tons🥺 I'm no longer in a trio, so now I have fomo, buts it's ok , I'll survive haha. BUT my new companion is amazing!! Her name is sister Stevens and she is from bountiful Utah and she is approaching the end of her mission in the next few months. She is the definition of a hard worker and there have already been so many miracles from it. We went knocking doors one day (which is usually never successful) and we had a prompting to go to this really nice huge neighborhood. Usually we like going to the sketchy trailer parks, but for some reason we felt to go to the opposite. We met Chase and Hailey who didn't grow up r...